A portrait of Frère Pierre with his kora.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
The sunsets over the sanctuary at the Abbey of Keur Moussa.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
“Traditional koras can take nearly an hour to tune, relying on a delicate system of leather rings that bind the strings to the neck.”
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
A portrait of Frère Marie André on the grounds of the Abby of Keur Moussa.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
A portrait of Frère Jean Charbel and Frère Jean Lucky in the sanctuary of the Abby of Keur Moussa.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
The monastic albs, or hooded robes, hang in a closet, ordered by name at the Abby of Keur Moussa.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
A dozen of halved and hollowed calabashes that will eventually be manufactured into koras.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
Keur Moussa, Senegal - June, 2022
Scenes from the Abbaye du Cœur Immaculé de Marie
A empty classroom at the Abbey of Keur Moussa.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
A portrait of Frère Jean Charbel near the offices at the Abbey of Keur Moussa.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
An open songbook rests on a stand on the altar in the sanctuary of the Abbey of Keur Moussa.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
A group portrait of Frère Édouard Coly, Frère Marie Fermin, Frère Pierre, Frère Antione de Padoue and Frère Jean after Wednesday mass.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
A photograph of the monks at Wednesday mass.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
A photograph of Frère Vincent de Paul.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa
A photograph of Frère Edouard Coly.
Keur Moussa, Senegal, West Africa